The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has left me feeling depressed and helpless. We do not even know the extent of the damage, as oil continues to gush from the ocean floor and make its way towards the coast. When all is said and done, it will be one of the worst environmental disasters in history, and it is heartbreaking to watch it happen.
I want to do something. So I'm getting involved with the Sierra Club. I've worked with them in Michigan and know that they do great work, combining local knowledge with a strong volunteer base and support from state and national expert staff. Today I donated money to help with their Gulf Coast efforts, and I plan to join in rallies and letter writing campaigns to send a strong message to our leaders in Washington calling for:
-The oil spill to be cleaned up quickly, and BP, Halliburton and the other companies held accountable; and
-An end to all new offshore drilling proposals.
This disaster shows us just how dangerous offshore drilling is. We have the technologies and know what it will take to reduce our oil consumption and move away from fossil fuels. Many of the solutions to our dependence on oil--like moving towards more fuel efficient vehicles, smart land use changes, and clean energy like wind power--will create jobs and improve quality of life. I am certainly willing to make further changes in my life to reduce oil consumption and put more of my energy into pushing for change, especially when I see so clearly the impacts of this oil addiction.
So the action item for week 2 is to take action. I spent the past decade of my life as a professional environmental advocate, and I have seen first hand the power of people to make changes happen, even when up against powerful special interests. But we have to make our voices heard. As a busy mother of two, I know how hard it is to make the time to contact our elected officials. But it really does make a difference.
For more information on what the Sierra Club is doing: http://action.sierraclub.org/site/PageNavigator/adv_oilspill
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