Have you ever noticed that when you say your dreams out loud and make them known to the universe, they sometimes just happen? I'm starting to experiment with this, or at least pay attention to it.
A couple of months ago my husband and I started talking about wanting a piano. I used to play, and our son is interested in playing. We can’t afford a new one, so we were looking for one second hand. I mentioned this to my mom, as she is a great networker, but I told her that we would not be able to get a piano until we moved into our new house.
Last week, without ever talking to my mom about it, my aunt emailed all the cousins asking if any of us want the family piano that belonged to my great-grandparents. It is a baby grand piano, the very piano my parents had when I was a child and on which I learned to play, and a cherished piece of family history. I am the only one who wants it, and my aunt has offered to have it moved for us this weekend, the very weekend we are moving into our new house!
Another dream that I have had for years was to have a house in the woods with a pond for my children to play in. I pictured a really joyful outdoorsy life, with barefoot kids playing in the mud and being outside a lot. My husband and I have talked about this dream as we've moved from Vermont to Los Angeles and back to Michigan...always thinking about "someday" when we find a place to put down roots. Well we're finally here.
Since that time, the reality of living close to town also has become a bigger priority, and has weaved itself into our dreams. It is important to us to be close enough for my husband to commute to work by bike, and for us to walk our children to school and ride our bikes to the beach. And we want neighbors. So we are buying a house in town. This is the house we may stay in for a really long time, and I was thinking this week about how (sadly) maybe we were giving up that dream about having the house with a pond. That's when I realized, this house HAS a pond. It was made by people, not nature, but it is a pond nonetheless. And it has a little waterfall and our boys absolutely adore it. It also has woods, a tiny little area, but enough for little boys to play in. Maybe this house doesn't look exactly like the one in my dream, but the dream changed over time. It still can be the house with a pond where we raise our barefoot children and have a really joyful earthy life.
These are just two examples that have come to me this week, I'm going to start paying more attention. And I'm going to start saying more of my dreams out loud! The universe seems to like that.
Can you think of dreams like this that have come true. Little ones, or big ones?
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